Hart Park Cyclocross previews Showdown in January!
Sunday was race #16 of 22 on the Southern California Prestige Series of Cyclocross calendar and the first to Kern County. The die-hard crossers made the trek as far away as San Diego and the local cross scene in the region brought many new faces to the scene.
It was a great day of racing in Bakersfield Sunday with chilly conditions many of us SoCalCrossers were not used to. Leg warmers were a popular choice for the early races and during warm ups. But the chill became un-noticed once the racing began and the battles heated up on course. Sam Ames and the Kern Wheelman created an event of feel good cyclocross no matter how much the epic-ly steep run ups hurt. The design tested our turning skills with a couple of off camber sections, and tested our climbing and run up lungs and legs.  A great tune up to build on for those heading to Nats as well as leading into the holiday break. AND, a preview for the Series Finale and Nor Cal So Cal Showdown 1/21-22/2012. Many new faces made it to the top of the podium. Look for detailed race report by Dave at Outside All Day for the elite men and women’s races.
Up next, Race #17 and #18 – Santa Cross Weekend!  Two days of Prestige Series cyclocross and bicycle expo-lifestyle festival at Griffith Park… the City of Los Angeles largest Park! Saturday will be the 2011 ABR SoCalCross Prestige Series One Day Cross Championships including Fixed Gear and Sunday USA Cycling National Rankings & Upgrade race – Both days will include a ride around the Park, toy and food drive, Canine Costume Race and more! Bring your holiday cheers!
Saturday included some quirky obstacles you will not see on Sunday but still legit CX. Sunday is USA Cycling sanctioned rankings and upgrade points eligible Prestige Series racing! Live music both days since we’re at the Greek Theatre ; )
The festival will raise funds and awareness of youth fitness and support the park.
Online registration opens today and closed Thursday 12/15 at 11:59pm. (PDT)