SoCalCross heads to Orange County… CXOC Weekend 12/1-2/2018
A celebration of CX at Irvine Lakeview Park - Baja Beach Club
SoCalCross Prestige Series Races 9/10: CXOC Weekend – December 1-2, 2018
SoCalCross comes to Orange County and a classic Southern California venue for CX and more… Irvine Lakeview/Baja Bech Club now grooved in by Over the Hump these past couple seasons, SoCalCross found this prime home for CX for the past for over a decade! Now its time for the perfect blend of space and likely muddy conditions will be in the mix!
Saturday 12/1: *CX start one hour later than usual for CX (same as MoValCX schedule)
- 9am 5k-10k run, Duathlon, RideCX.com CX Skills Clinic
- 10am:4:30pm SoCalCross Prestige Series PLUS Special edition Tracklocross by popular demand!
Sunday 12/2:
- 9am-3:30pm SoCalCross Prestige Series plus Team Relay
Check out cool video from last year’s season kick-off race Krosstoberfest as this location:
Directions to the Lakeview-Baja Beach Club (James Events properties) refer to this map and google directions. It can be confusing using address only. The location take the road off Santiago Canyon Road to (Oak Canyon Park). Follow road then turn left into private Park for Lakeview/Baja Beach Club.  Link to Google Map Directions HERE