Welcome to SoCalCross

The Southern California Prestige Series of Cyclocross formed in 2005 by an association of  cycling clubs motivated to become the premier cyclocross series in Southern California and the nation! The SoCalCross Prestige Series hosts races weekly across Southern California kicking off with the Happy Hour Tour series of promotional clinics and events running from September to January each year.  SoCalCross also hosts gravel events in the Spring and Summer signature LA Roubaix kicks off our Spring/Summer gravel ride season!

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SoCalCross Fever #1: Mt SAC CX

Event Type: SCCF Race
Event Date: Sun Jan 9, 2011 Start Time: 9:30 AM - Registration opens at 8:00am - Beginner's CX Clinic at 8:30am
Venue: Mt San Antonio Community College Location: Bonita Drive @ Temple
Walnuet CA 91789

The January 2011 SoCalCross Fever Series  kicks off at Mt. San Antonio College where the 10 meets the 57 freeways in Walnut!

This course will have a traditional pavement start then a mix of grass and dirt double track.  Short power climbs mixed with flat fast dirt track and twising grass sections.

Pre-register at:  SportsbaseOnline.com  First 100 riders pre-registered riders will get a FREE cleaning kit from Simple Green!

Custom trophies to category winners!


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© 2010 SoCalCross | Southern California Prestige Series of CycloCross. All rights reserved.