Welcome to SoCalCross

The Southern California Prestige Series of Cyclocross formed in 2005 by an association of  cycling clubs motivated to become the premier cyclocross series in Southern California and the nation! The SoCalCross Prestige Series hosts races weekly across Southern California kicking off with the Happy Hour Tour series of promotional clinics and events running from September to January each year.  SoCalCross also hosts gravel events in the Spring and Summer signature LA Roubaix kicks off our Spring/Summer gravel ride season!

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SLO Cross: Cambria

SCPS race #12 and West Coast Collegiate racing!

Event Type: SCPS Race
Event Date: Sat Nov 19, 2011 Start Time: 8:00AM
Venue: Cambria High School Location: Cambia CA

Race info at: www.SLOcross.com

SoCalCross PRESTIGE SERIES race #12 presented by Spy Optic – get your points while you can!

West Coast Collegiate Cycling Conference CX race at 8:00am!

This is a USA Cycling sanctioned event. USAC national ranking and upgrade points eligible.

DIRECTIONS: Coast Union High School, 2950 Santa Rosa Creek Road, Cambria CA  – See directions and map below.

THE COURSE:  The course is a mix of dirt, grass and some pavement. Fast start on dirt, mostly flat with 1 run up, 1 barrier section. Each lap is approximately 3.km in length.  Races are timed circuits on the course based on category.

THE VENUE: Located in Cambria CA, the high school offers us a great location with plenty of parking, restrooms, showers after the race if needed and a fun course!

HOTEL OPTIONS: Motel 6 SLO South, Motel6 Morro Bay

CAMPING OPTIONS: Montana de Oro State Beach,  Morro Strand State Beach, San Simeon State Beach

El Monte RV offers SoCalCross discount pricing when booking:  CYCLO

Event Information


Race Results

SCPS #12 / SLOCross #2 Results (web) (pdf)


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