Welcome to SoCalCross

The Southern California Prestige Series of Cyclocross formed in 2005 by an association of  cycling clubs motivated to become the premier cyclocross series in Southern California and the nation! The SoCalCross Prestige Series hosts races weekly across Southern California kicking off with the Happy Hour Tour series of promotional clinics and events running from September to January each year.  SoCalCross also hosts gravel events in the Spring and Summer signature LA Roubaix kicks off our Spring/Summer gravel ride season!

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The new site is still under development. A new interactive section is coming soon.

League of American Bicyclists

SoCalCross Partner

For generations past and to come, THE LEAGUE represents bicyclists in the movement to create
 safer roads, stronger communities, and a bicycle-friendly America. Through information, advocacy and promotion, we work to celebrate and preserve the freedom cycling brings to our members everywhere.


To promote bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation and work through advocacy and education for a bicycle-friendly America.

We do this by representing the interests of the nation’s 57 million cyclists. With a current membership of 300,000 affiliated cyclists, including 25,000 individuals and 700 affiliated organizations, the League works to bring better bicycling to your community.

If you care about bicycling, become a League member today.


Below, League President Andy Clarke explains the fresh direction of the organization, which draws on our unique history and depth of knowledge but also showcases our commitment to propel the new, diverse and growing ranks of bicyclists in the United States, recognizing and representing the current and future face of the cycling movement.

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© 2010 SoCalCross | Southern California Prestige Series of CycloCross. All rights reserved.