Welcome to SoCalCross

The Southern California Prestige Series of Cyclocross formed in 2005 by an association of  cycling clubs motivated to become the premier cyclocross series in Southern California and the nation! The SoCalCross Prestige Series hosts races weekly across Southern California kicking off with the Happy Hour Tour series of promotional clinics and events running from September to January each year.  SoCalCross also hosts gravel events in the Spring and Summer signature LA Roubaix kicks off our Spring/Summer gravel ride season!

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SoCalCross Fever #1: Woodley CX at Finish the Ride!

Finish the Ride - San Fernando Valley: Ride, Run, Roll, Cross!

Event Type: SCCF Race
Event Date: Sun Dec 27, 2015 Start Time: 8:30 AM
Venue: Woodley Park Location: 6100 Woodley Ave.
Van Nuys CA 91406

SoCalCross Fever kicks off at Finish the Ride – San Fernando Valley: Ride, Run, Roll and Cross!  In partnership with FTR SoCalCross will host a spectator friendly cyclocross race at this ride-run-roll festival including everything from a 2k family walk.run to a half marathon and Metric Century loop around the Valley and 25 mile shorter option via the Orange Line Path to Chatsworth.  Save 25% online for FTR Valley Metric Century and 25 mile rides at BikeReg.com. Use code SOCALCROSS25 by December 23rd!  This will be a complete festival for everyone!  More info:  HERE Register for Finish the Ride, Run and Roll:  HERE


REGISTER for Woodley CX at BikeReg.com by Dec 26th 2PM – HERE

Entry fee: $30 – $5 2nd race
First Timer & Youth: $5
Juniors $15

Fixed Gear, Fat, Collegiate, Coaster & Commuter Folding: $1o

Race Day Schedule: (download schedule here)

8:00A Course Warm Up / Beginner’s CX Clinic
8:30A Juniors age 9-14, 15-18 (30); Youth age 6-9 (1 lap)
9:15A First Timer Race (1 lap)
9:30A Men 55+ 65+; Women 35+; Men C Beginner – AM (40)
10:30A Men 35+ B, 45+B (CX3-5) Women AB , C Beginner (40)
11:15A Kiddie Cross & Doggie Cross
11:30A Men A; 45A; Men B (45)
12:30P SingleSpeed Men, SS Women; Men CX4 Beginner (40)
1:30P Fixed Gear; Collegiate, Fat, Folding-Commuter, Coaster Break Bikes (30)

Race benefiting Streets Are For Everyone – SAFE!

Woodley Cross is presented by:  JRA Bikes & Brew!

Featured Race Sponsors:

Pocrass de los Reyes Bicycle Law, Castex Rentals, Hand Cranked Coffee & Naked Juice!

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