Welcome to SoCalCross

The Southern California Prestige Series of Cyclocross formed in 2005 by an association of  cycling clubs motivated to become the premier cyclocross series in Southern California and the nation! The SoCalCross Prestige Series hosts races weekly across Southern California kicking off with the Happy Hour Tour series of promotional clinics and events running from September to January each year.  SoCalCross also hosts gravel events in the Spring and Summer signature LA Roubaix kicks off our Spring/Summer gravel ride season!

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The new site is still under development. A new interactive section is coming soon.

Bike San Gabriel Valley – Bike SGV

SoCalCross Partner

BikeSGV promotes cycling as a form of healthy transportation and recreation in the communities of the San Gabriel Valley by:

Educating the community about bicycle safety and the many benefits of cycling, including physical/mental health, air quality, and personal finance.

Partnering with community groups, cycling clubs, public health agencies, and other parties to promote active transportation, improve air quality, and support multi-modal transportation planning.

Informing city staff and decision makers about internationally tested and proven forms of bike infrastructure that create safer streets for all road users: cyclists, motorists and pedestrians.

Representing local cyclists and bike advocacy groups in the San Gabriel Valley on issues of regional significance.

Developing strong working relationships with city staff and government agencies to ensure that local transportation policies and projects safely accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians.

Organizing public events to promote bicycling in the San Gabriel Valley.
Supporting policies and legislation to increase funding for bicycle-friendly improvements.

BikeSGV’s mission is to make the San Gabriel Valley a safer, healthier, and more enjoyable place for cycling
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© 2010 SoCalCross | Southern California Prestige Series of CycloCross. All rights reserved.